2 Replies to “Hello world!”

    1. I am an Itnernational Lawyer, who lives in Italy (see my website) and just wanted to let everyone know that today in Italy it is one of the main holidays in the year that celebraits the Assumption of Virgin Mary. It is commonly called Ferragosto, and with Christmas and Easter is considered the most important day of the year that, in common words, corrisponds to the fact that no store is open and only workers in the hospitality area, quite common in Italy, work!
      Thus it is a particularly intese vacation day, when the highest peak of vacationers are travelling around the country. It is particularly so because August is the only month in the year in which a boss can compel his workers to go on a leave of 2 weeks. The other weeks can be distributed during the year at the choice of the employees. This makes it also the most heaviest traffic set of days, and the highest demand for hospitality days, with the highest prices! After these 2 weeks things calm down and citizens that are not obliged to take a vacation go on to enjoy uncrouded beaches and lower priced hospitality ventures. Actually the highest prices of the year, all over the country, last the whole month, but the availability is cripled heavily only in the central weeks of the month.
      I must add that the Courts also close down for the whole month except for urgent procedures.
      I hope to have more oportunities to describe Italian life, so keep posted!
      An Happy Ferragosto, to all, Vincent
